Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nazi Liberals Frantic Conservatives

I'll be honest; I'm hearing a lot about this economic crisis we are facing, I've seen how hard it is for my friends to get jobs, there are whispers about the "Next Great Depression", but I only have a very very very surface level idea of what exactly it is that we are facing today. But I stumbled upon this political cartoon and it intrigued me. Anytime Nazis are brought into the discussion it's serious; that's no light jab. The cartoon is labeled "Nazi Liberals, Frantic Conservatives." What do you think? Too much, too extreme, uncalled for? Or is there some truth behind it? Are the people who were fiscally responsible unfair victims being torn down by their dumb neighbors? I really don't know, but I wanted to hear opinions. :)


Pat said...

First of all I would like to refer to Godwin's law on this one that the quickest way to lose any argument is by drawing a connection to Hitler or the Nazis.

Second, as far as the conservatives being frantic from the Liberals acting like Nazis is crazy because the "neoconservative" movement, that most of the Republicans now identify with, is fascism come to the US so they would agree with that political way of thinking.

Third, I haven't heard anyone trying to blame the fiscally responsible for this crisis. It's the peoples who couldn't afford their houses that are causing this.

Nathan said...

I failed math in high school and don't have a good grasp of global macroeconomics or the subtleties of our own economic system. But from what I do gather the issue is larger than finger pointing or political parties gaining leverage because they did not directly start the crisis. More concerning to me than the prospect of a "New Depression" is the inaction of not only our elected officials but of the general population. It is our patriotic duty as a free people in a pseudo democratic society to not only be informed of the ins and outs of the issues we face, but also to actively move towards a solution through practical lifestyle alterations we can take ownership of as well as calling out our elected officials to fulfill the responsibilities of their posts.

Step 1: FIX
Step 2: IT
Step 3: FIX IT!!!