Thursday, March 19, 2009


What is the deal with alcohol? Does it improve anyone's life anywhere or have any positive effects? Maybe it does but i can't think of any. So why is it that we even have alcohol? The government attempted to get rid of alcohol but people continued making it, just in secret. As a result, the government made alcohol legal again. I have a hard time understanding why alcohol is so widely consumed all over the place. It doesn't taste good, it's not refreshing, it causes damage to your body, it impairs your judgement, and many other negative side-effects. I am not saying that i have never drank alcohol, but if you asked me why i did it i really wouldn't have a great answer for you. I would say i drink socially, meaning basically that everone esle is doing it so why not? Ya... that's where the old jumping off a bridge saying comes into play. I think that just the concept of alcohol shows how self-destructive humanity is. Why is it that we care so little about ourselves? I would like to hear what any of you have to say on this topic.


Jessica said...

Honestly it is so weird you posted this blog. I have been wondering the same thingg. I think a lot of people would say it is fun, relaxing, and some people do enjoy the taste of alcohol. I think that those can all be true. I think alcohol isn't a bad thing in moderation, with balance. But just like everything else in life some people choose to abuse it. That's where alcoholics come into play. People who let the alcohol consume them. Its sad to watch loved ones go through that. So honestly, I don't have an answer as to why people love it so much. I guess it is what you said, a social thing.

Robin said...

I really don't understand except that it makes people relax and feel a little less inhibited which is great until people take it to far, Get drunk and act stupid. Most of the wrecks in the U.S are attributed to alcohol or cell phones. Domestic abuse is mostly caused by alcohol. What really bugs me is if you don't feel like drinking people think your weird.

Hannah said...

This is just another one of those things that I say everything in moderation. Personally, I enjoy red wine very much. I also like pale ales. These I drink because I like them. I would also agree that of course there have been times I drink stuff I hate socially working up a "buzz", but like you said, I also can't give an explanation why. But I do know that if I had a bad day at work and it's the weekend, I like to have something to wind down. This is not a regular thing for me, but I do enjoy drinking in moderation.