Sunday, March 22, 2009

Horror Films.

I for one, can't stand horror films. They disgust me to no end. And I'm sure many of you disagree with me at this point.

One thing that has always bothered me about these films is that they seem to completely desensitise people to gore, terror, and cruelty. I think it's part of the reason why we are so careless these days when it comes to hearing about real-life death and horror. I realize that some people enjoy suspense and being scared with their movies, but what I don't understand is why the movies have to be so awful and graphic. I see no point in having slasher movies as entertainment. What's the appeal?

A friend of mine recently told me about her trip to a horror film that just came out. In the movie, there was apparently a graphic rape scene, and many audience members were doing things like laughing and cheering on the rapist. What the hell? Is this the type of mentality our society has come to? Where it's completely normal and okay to have things like murder, rape, and terror? I feel like if there weren't these types of movies, there would be much less murder and etc., because people would be much more disgusted with the idea.

What are your thoughts on the subject?


Jessica said...

For once someone who hates these types of films as much as me. I absolutly hate horror films. I do not see why we should subject ourselves to such perverted violent things. Isn't life hard enough? Why would I want to spend hours watching something that makes me upset and nervous. I may be extra sensitive to these type of gruesome movies because of things that have happened in my own life. My grandma was murdered a few years ago and I think because of that I am extra sensitive to these movies and images of violence. The sad part is that some people do believe that this stuff only happens in movies. But the truth is, someone thought of this stuff, it does happen, and it affects real people. Yeah, it is always someone's preference if they want to watch them, are people bad for watching these types of flicks?No, but I do think there is something wrong like you said when people are laughing at a rape scene. That disgusts me.

Tyler said...

I don't like the gory horror films like texas chainsaw massacre, but i think the suspensful, scary movies have a place in entertainment. Lots of people like to be scared. The horror movies that focus on the fear and not the gore is where the genre should mostly focus. However, it seems like lately there have been more slasher films then suspense. I think that this is a disturbing fact and wonder what that says about our culture.

Pat said...

I completely agree that seeing gore and violence does desensitize people.

They don't make real horror movies anymore. Instead they opt for gore, which takes no skill or creativity, just a budget for fake blood. Fear is in the unknown, once they show it on the screen it's not scary anymore, just gross.

Jennifer said...

I agree, there is too much gore in most horror films these days. I do like to watch a good suspenseful movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat. If the set up music for a gorry scene starts to play then I usually lose focus on the movie and end up turning it off. I don't need to watch that.