Thursday, March 19, 2009

"I'm a PC and I'm ..."

I don't know how many of you seen these new commericals by Windows and their Windows Live Photo Gallery commercials, but to me, they're absolutely shocking and scary. I'm going beyond the fact that Windows is showing us that this new program is 'so easy, a kid could do it.' At their ages, I was playing dollhouse, tag, four square, kickball, basketball, and whatever else. To think kids that young could grasp concepts like editing photos on the computer and making slideshows that you can stream through the TV, I just can't get my head around it. I can barely figure out how to post on this blog correctly, let alone do the stuff they're able to on the computer, on the commercial.

I was just curious on anybody else's reactions to seeing these commercials.


Kay Fort said...

It's not a very good commerical, it's not all that odd anymore for a child to be extremly compture savey. So for them to say that is kinda funny to me..i've seen many kids..again that are very young able to handle a compture with out much problems.

Hannah said...

I actually thought they were cute. Yea most kids these days know how to use computers, but there are still many adults who don't. That's who they're targeting these commercials too.By saying someone so young and inexperienced can learn how to do these things, they're saying anyone can.