Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Wii Fit is a interactive exercise program created by Nintendo that you can do in your own home, instead of going to the gym and hiring a Personal Trainer. People can now get a customized workout with little expense. The exercises include: yoga, strength training, balance and aerobics. People of all ages and shapes can get a good workout from this because it instructs you on how to do each exercise. It keeps track of your progress in minutes accumulated. It challenges you when you need it. You can check your Body Mass Index (BMI) and you can keep track of your weight. There's more than 40 activities and exercises. People can create their own personal profile and set goals, and test their balance with fun balance games. It's funny when this first came out. I thought it was kinda a joke, but after my daughter got one and I tried it out it really is a lot of fun. I had to go to Post Falls in Idaho just to find the Wii fit board because all the stores were sold out in Spokane.


Nathan said...

I never understood this concept, what's wrong with the gym? Or better yet just going for a run?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome to think I wouldn't have to leave the house to "work out".

Brianna Hagestad said...

It took me a while to track one down as well. But I have it now and wow! It is actually a great workout. I laughed at my family when they bought one, but one night of playing at their house and I was hooked! I am not exactly sure how it works, but I belive for the most part it is based on weight distrubution and the movement of the handheld remote. But it really is a great workout.

Kay Fort said...

I think it's nice, personaly i feel a bit akward sweating around a bunch of strangers. I've played the wii fit and really want it since then i don't have to worry about being stinky, or sweaty in front of others and i can wear whatever i want (i'm not the type of person who likes to run around with just a sports bra on). It also cuts down expenices..i mean most gyms are at least 30.00 a month!

missaligirl said...

I think the wii fit sounds awesome. With all the stress to stay fit, healthy, and active by our culture (especially since obesity is becoming such a huge problem in America), people need easy ways to exercise. The gym is great but I usually find it a 3 hour ordeal just to get a good workout in. I can't wait to try the wii fit.