Friday, February 6, 2009


After today's class I was thinking about the topic of why younger girls are now dressing older and acting older. It's interesting because when I was younger it was entirely different. The clothes that were available weren't even close to the clothes that are available today. My sister is in junior high and I see her and her friends and some of them look like they should be in high school. I think that the pressure that girls are feeling these days is growing and I'm just wondering how far things are really going to go and what it's going to take to stop it. I mean if this younger generation gets hit with any more pressure...what will be the result???


Margaret said...

I think that you are so right. It is very scary to think where we may be heading. They are dressing worse with every year. My daughter is 5 and worries me to know what i may face.

Danielle said...

I wish I were able to make class on Friday- But I also agree with you. I recently went to Macys to get my cousin who is 10 a cute outfit. After 5 mins I was appalled at what I was seeing. I would say 90% of the clothes were adult patterns and styles cut to a smaller mold. It was very shocking and made me feel so old at the same time. I remember being a little girl, going shopping at Lamonts and finding CUTE items not SEXY clothes. Why does society feel the need to make everyone grow up so fast? Why does my ten year old cousin or my sisters friends need to dress like they are 21 and going on a hot date? I'm now nervous about having little girls, the pressure today is defiantly changing and not for the better.

Sarah said...

I definitely agree with you all - especially about our future daughters. As far as what it'll take to stop this trend, it'll take US. We have to be the ones to say, "no - I won't buy those clothes. I won't support this with my money." If parents don't buy the clothes, other clothes will be in demand. All the clothing companies care about is making money - they will make whatever we will buy. Obviously that'll take some time to change, but it CAN happen.