Sunday, February 22, 2009


"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi
Most of us have heard that quote... and many of us like it, but how many of us actually live it? It is so easy to go about our everyday lives and never think beyond our bubble. We wake up, get ready, eat, go to place A, plan what we're going to eat after going to place B, go to B, eat, go to C, go to work, go to school, go to bed... wake up and do it all again.
What would happen if we thought about other people and bigger things happening in the world?What if we went beyond voting for change and actually got our own hands dirty? Do we actually believe that we can change the world and that each of us has a purpose and has something to offer?


Lynn said...

I personally believe that it is each human's responsibility to take care of everyone. My children hate this, it means that their selfishness is preventing them from being all they are supposed to be. My family cooks at a soup kitchen and we usually have a few extras over for dinner at our house.

Sarah said...

That's so awesome! Thanks for being someone who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty :)

jordanrichelle said...

Sarah, you're great. :) It's so true, we need to be the change we want to see in the world. Yet for some reason it's really hard to break out of our safe routine. There are times when we get real motivated to do something and then go about "fixing" a problem only to get discouraged by many setbacks. Whether it be by financial issues, no emotional support, or we just feel like we have too small of an influence. Myself included, but I found a really cool quote about making a change being like perfume. We should enhance the room we're in; gradually it will expand. We can definitely enhance the world we are living it, and the best place to start is right where you're at. So yes, I believe we can make a change.

Nathan said...

I fully believe we are capable of influencing the world in a positive manner. Our generation has the most resources, information, and connectedness that the world has ever known. I think that with direction everyone is not only capable of bettering the world but innately desires it.

One example that comes to mind is the Junior High youth ministry at my church that I work with. They took part in something called the 30 Hour Famine that was created by World Vision. They took a 30 hour fast and spent the last couple months fund raising to gain awareness and empathy for the vast amount of kids their age who do not have access to food/water/medicine etc. 61 Junior Highers raised $15,000.

Jay said...

I agree with Nathan here. My youth group also did the 30 Hour Famine. Doing something selfless for another human being is not something that should be done every once in a while though, it's something that we need to incorporate in our everyday lives. However, it seems that most people struggle to 'walk their talk'.