Monday, February 2, 2009

The King of Pop

Michael Jackson is a great example of how the public can ruin a persons perception of their own identity. His father put him in the spotlight beginning at age five. He grew up entertaining and was very successful. His career topped out in the eighties with Thriller. He attempted many come-backs since then, but has been unsuccessful possibly due to the fact that he is now crazy. Have the fans and publicity made him this way? I think the answer is yes. Michael Jackson wanted to be accepted by his fans so much that he thought changing his skin color to become "white" and a nose job that changed the appearance of his entire face would make his fans and the public like him better. One could say that plastic surgery became an addiction for him. In the past decade Jackson has been in the news for various cases involved in child molestation. How could such a successful entertainer and pop culture icon become such a creepy looking criminal? Could it be due to the fact that he virtually never had a private life away from the public eye? Now there are reports that Jackson is basically dying, going blind, sick with emphysema, and in need of a lung replacement to survive. Has societies need for entertainment driven the "King of Pop" to his death?


Meagan Helean said...

I think this is a very interesting observation and personally I believe that after being in the public eye for so long and being constantly bombarded by others' expectations eventually it will take a toll on a person. I think this is definitely what happened to Michael Jackson. It's amazing how far some people will go...

Derek C said...

Its just weird to me that people would want to change their appearance in the first place. I can understand a tummy-tuck or breast implants, but to completely alter your skin color and face?? I would feel like every time i looked in a mirror that i was seeing a stranger. I agree that he is super crazy! The saddest part is yes, we did do this to him.