Thursday, January 8, 2009

Twilight=girls liking bad boys?

Movies, it seems there are always movies coming from books these days. The most recent one I’ve seen is Twilight that came from a book written by Stephenie Meyer. In short, the movie and book is about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. After reading a few of these books and watching the movie I realized what an odd culture we have become. We have become a culture that tells the young females to go with the "bad boys" the ones that are off limits in society's eyes. In this particular movie, it was a vampire, but it’s true, if you look at movies, cartoons, and tv shows, girls are always “head over heels” for the bad boys. Another example of this is in television shows you see the girls almost loathing the nerdy boy while running off to their jerkish boyfriends. What are we teaching the females of the generation? To me it seems like we are teaching that 1. It’s ok to put up with bad boys/jerks 2. We should put up with them 3. We should love them. I really wonder if this has an big impact on single girls, for me it didn’t but when I talk to my friends, they tell me they are more interested in the bad boys.


Brianna Hagestad said...

I have read the books and plan to see the movie soon. I take a quite different stance on the whole "bad boy" thing. Maybe the movie portrays Edward (the "bad boy" vampire) in a different light, but based off the book alone he comes across as a very kind, caring chivalrous young man. Again, based on the book alone, he shows no sign of carelessness, and does all he can to protect Bella (the girl who falls in love with him) from him, in fact he even warns her to stay away from him. He also saves her life a few times. I will be intersted to see the movie and finish the series.

Kay Fort said...

Don't get me wrong, i love the twilight series, and yes you are abousletly right, he does warn her, but it's not really twilight alone that has girls liking bad boys, twilight is just a good example of a girl going after a boy that she shouldn't.

Lynn said...

I think the glamorized idea of "good girls" falling for the "bad boy" has always been protrayed in books and movies, and I feel to some extent many women, at least, fall for the idea of trying to get "something" they aren't "supposed" to have.